Pole barns, also known as post-frame buildings, have been around for centuries, yet myths and misconceptions still surround them. These myths often discourage people from considering pole barns as a viable option for their building needs. Here at D Cross Barn Co., we have been building quality pole barns in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the surrounding areas for over 25 years. With our experience, we have come across many of these myths and would like to set the record straight.


Myth #1: Pole Barns are Only Used as Agricultural Buildings


One common myth is that pole barns are only suitable for agricultural use. While it’s true that they were initially used for housing livestock and storing farming equipment, modern advancements have made pole barns a versatile option for a variety of purposes.


In fact, pole barns are becoming increasingly popular for residential and commercial use. They can be customized to fit any need, from storage space to office buildings to personal residences. With the ability to add insulation, electricity, plumbing, and other amenities, pole barns are no longer limited to just agricultural use.


Myth #2: Pole Barns are Not Durable


One of the biggest myths surrounding pole barns is that they are not durable. This belief stems from the misconception that pole barns must be weaker and less sturdy than other types of buildings because they do not have a traditional foundation.


However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, pole barns are incredibly durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions such as heavy snow, high winds, and even tornadoes. The key to their strength lies in the design and construction process.


At D Cross Barn Co., our pole barns are built with top-quality materials and expert craftsmanship. Our team takes into account factors such as soil type, building codes, and potential hazards when designing and constructing your pole barn. With proper maintenance, your pole barn can last for decades.


Myth #3: Pole Barns are Not Energy Efficient


One of the main reasons behind the myth that pole barns are not energy efficient is due to their open design. Unlike traditional stick-built buildings, pole barns do not have a solid foundation or insulation in between the poles. This can lead people to believe that pole barns are not well-insulated and, therefore, not energy efficient.


However, this is far from the truth. While it is true that pole barns do not have a solid foundation or insulation, their design allows for natural ventilation and the use of natural lighting. This helps to regulate the temperature inside the building, reducing the need for artificial heating or cooling.

In addition, pole barns can also be insulated using various methods, such as blown-in insulation or spray foam insulation. Adding insulation makes pole barns more energy efficient, making them a smart choice for those looking to save on energy costs.


Myth #4: Pole Barns are Only for Rural Areas


Another misconception about pole barns is that they are only suitable for rural areas. This belief stems from the fact that pole barns were originally used in agricultural settings, such as farms and ranches. However, with modern advancements in technology and construction techniques, pole barns can now be designed and built to fit any setting – whether it’s rural or urban.


In fact, we have worked on many pole barn projects within the city limits of Tulsa. These structures are suitable for a variety of purposes, such as workshops, garages, storage facilities, and even homes.


Myth #5: Pole Barns Have Limited Design Options


One of the biggest misconceptions about pole barns is that they only come in one design – a basic rectangular shape with metal siding. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Pole barns actually offer a wide range of design options, allowing you to customize your building to fit your specific needs and preferences.


With modern advancements in technology, pole barns can now be designed with different roof pitches, siding materials, and even multiple levels. This means that whether you’re looking for a traditional or modern look, a residential or commercial building, pole barns can accommodate your vision. At D Cross Barn Co., we offer endless design possibilities for pole barns in Tulsa and the surrounding areas.


Myth #6: Pole Barns are Difficult to Construct


Many people think that constructing a pole barn is a difficult and time-consuming process. This is not true, as pole barns are actually quicker and easier to construct than traditional buildings. With the use of pre-engineered trusses and panels, construction time is significantly reduced.


Myth #7: Pole Barns are Expensive


One of the biggest myths about pole barns is that they are expensive to build. In reality, pole barns are a cost-effective option for building needs. With minimal foundation requirements and less labor involved, pole barns can be built at a fraction of the cost of traditional buildings.


Myth #8: Pole Barns Decrease Property Value


One of the biggest myths surrounding pole barns is that they decrease property value. Many homeowners and potential buyers believe that pole barns are unattractive and can ruin the aesthetics of a property, thus decreasing its value. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.


The reality is that well-built and properly maintained pole barns can actually increase the value of a property. These structures offer additional storage space, which is a valuable asset for many homeowners. They can also serve as multi-purpose buildings, such as workshops or garages, adding functionality to the property. Additionally, pole barns are highly customizable and can be designed to match the existing architecture of a property, making them blend in seamlessly.


As you can see, many myths surrounding pole barns are simply not true. Here at D Cross Barn Co., we hope to have debunked these myths and encourage you to consider a pole barn for your building needs. With our expertise and quality materials, we can build a custom pole barn that meets your specific requirements. Contact us today at 918-629-0505 to get started on your pole barn journey in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and the surrounding areas. Don’t let these myths hold you back from experiencing the many benefits of a pole barn! Let’s start building your dream pole barn together!